Pet care project

How we put together pet owners and animal care specialists in a previously unattainable way 


The main idea of a pet care project is to help for creating an online services website that would enable pet owners to get rid of queueing and overpayments in veterinary clinics. Driven by professional aspirations and love for animals, our team built the country’s first platform for matching animal care specialists with the owners of pets online. Laravel framework contributed to multi-operational templates creation and the exercise of the 4-position role system: client, contractor, admin, and guest.

Fast-sending messages ensured easier communication between them, which, together with the simplicity of task formation, made the services very comfortable. This project formed a large community of animal lovers, with more than 200 orders made per day.

Industry: Pet care services 

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Laravel 5, OAuth 2.0, VueJS, NGINX, PHP-FPM, Envoyer, Sentry